What a day for pictures! Sarah and I traversed Florence from 10:30 to 4:30 taking pictures.
We found the Paperback Exchange (“Anglo-American bookstore since 1979”) and I got my books for the Dante class. I’ll have to wait for the religion and Italian books till the first day of class.
We thoroughly enjoyed walking towards the mountains outside Florence. The area is much less touristy and the landscape is lovely! Perhaps we’ll find an apartment there second semester. We’d really like an apartment outside the city. We think we can find one for less than the rent we are paying now and with antiques rather than Ikea furniture.
On the walk back into town, we heard the most beautiful choir practicing inside the Episcopal church. Unfortunately, they were finished by the time we got to the door. We can’t wait to begin church shopping tomorrow!


Unknown said…
THis is so awesome to read your very informative post. Are the photos yours??? My unit manager wears a very colorful necklace alot that kind of looks like a diamond shaped Christmas ornament. She went to Italy last year and talks about it all the time. Have fun and keep the notes coming .

I love you FAKaren
Anonymous said…
yes mam! The photos are mine. Try clicking the My Photo's link under Links to see more of them!

Love you!
Anonymous said…
The man on the bike looks like my grandfather
Unknown said…
Anna it's Brannum i hope you are having fun! The exchange rate is out of control!!

c ya,
Anonymous said…
Hey Brannum! I am having a ball! You are right, the exchange rate is AWFUL. I am really having to watch my money. How is school going? I hear you are enjoying youth with John!