A Day in Florence

Mama arrived on Friday with a sack full of goodies!!! It was Christmas in October! As I waded through a sea of grits (the grit container had burst in the suitcase) I found a monopod, my favorite candy, brownies, candy corn, toiletries, and new pjs! Sarah, Mama, and I enjoyed leisurely talking and chomping on candy corn as a respite from school and long plane rides (and for Sarah and Mama - an exhausting lug of 100 pound baggage up five flights of steep marble stairs - even though I ran home from school, I happened to miss the pack mule simulation - I was devastated of course!)
We then went on a short walk around Florence, showing Mama the Duomo, Santa Maria Novella (station and church), San Lorenzo (market and church), and St. James church (my church!). We plopped on the sidewalk by The Yellow Bar (a restaurant Mr. Galese had recommended that is very near to Via Ghibellina) and (what a small world!) ran into the Galeses! Sarah, Mama, Mr. and Mrs. Galese, and I really enjoyed our meal together - an delightful affair with anchovy and caper pizzas, tomato and basil pasta, seafood pasta, and unusual cheese and pomodoro pasta (with artichokes and zucchini!) Instead of a card night like we'd planned, Mama crashed (jet lag) and Sarah and I put in my favorite movie (or one of them - While You Were Sleeping) and I crashed! Mama and I awoke the next morning, on time, but still missing the train we'd planned to take. Then began our adventure from Pisa to Ireland! Stay Tuned - we're still in the midst of a fabulous ride!
