Lucca: Vecchio Città di Bellezza Antica

Tranquil, lovely, and full of grace, the ancient city of Lucca stands proud, surrounded by Medieval walls as wide as a modern interstate. The walls, built by the Romans, provided protection for the Medieval inhabitants, allowing only citizens through the cave entrance. Standing here, I could see the entirety of Lucca, its canals, and roofs of terracotta. The skyline is dotted with steeples and bell towers. The crosses are like jewelry in the sky.
When I walked around the wall (a 45 minute walk total), the gentle sway of the flowers cascading from the terraces brought a sense of true beauty. Two rows of trees lined the gravel pathway. The trees were lovely; the golden and copper leaves swayed gently from their limbs and gathered at foot of the tree. The soothing breeze continuously feathered through my hair. An autumn paradise.


TNichols said…
Hey Doll,

Loved your latest Pictures (especially the funny face shots with Sarah, and the ones of you, Sarah and friends having fun) You might want to add a link to those shots so that others can see them too. I'm really missing you now but are super glad to see you having fun.

Love ya,
