Baby! Go Go GO!

Italy was chilly and rainy when we returned. But! That can’t stop a night of chick flicks, homemade popcorn, pizza, and wine! In fact, rainy weather makes a night such as ours even better! During the day, we toodled around a little (and my fabulous Mama filled up my cabinets with food!) Saturday began as a relaxing day. We awoke and hopped a train to spend the day in Lucca. When walking through the churches and winding streets became tedious rather than tranquil, we walked along the city wall and found our spot – a lookout over a myriad of trees surrounding a lake. The trees were gold, burnt orange, brown, yellow, and ever color in between. As the wind blew, leaves soared through the air like a conductor’s hands directing a ballad….or a ballerina gracefully dancing. After taking a couple pictures, we settled down on the bench to finish our novels.

Late afternoon, we returned to Florence, ate dinner, and returned around eight to the apartment. Ah! I hopped in the shower, and we missed the bus to the stadium! We left the house by 8:30, and hopped the wrong bus, and by nine o’clock we both were stressed and late to the Michael Buble concert. Finally catching the correct bus, we made it to the stadium by 9:30, got our tickets from will-call and found seats. Michael Buble had not started yet!!! We made it! Our seats were the farthest away possible, but I had my 300mm lens, so who needs binoculars! Imagine!:

Meglio stasera
Baby go go go
Or as we natives say
"Fa subito!"
If you're ever gonna kiss me
It had better be tonight
While the mandolins are playing
And stars are bright
If you've anything to tell me
It had better be tonight
Or somebody else may tell me
And whisper the words just right
Meglio stasera
Baby go go go
Or as we natives say
"Fa subito!"

For this poor Americano
Who knows little of your speech
Be a nice Italiano
And start to teach
Show me how in old Milano
Lovers hold each other tight
But I want you sweet paesano
It had better be tonight
Meglio stasera
Baby go go go
Or as we natives say
"Fa subito!"

Was he ever wonderful! Not only could he croon like Frank Sinatra and Harry Connick Jr., but he also could twist his hips and slide like Elvis Presley. I was thrilled when he sang the songs that he wrote – who could come up with a more poignant ballad than Lost. He is an entertainer, encouraging the audience to participate and play along. His nonno and zio (grandfather and uncle) had traversed Italy with him on his Italian tour, and this was their last night with him. Pretending no one else was there, he sang his grandfather’s favorite song, and sat on the edge of the stage with them. It was incredible! I bought the cd on itunes immediately upon my arrival home! The concert was a dramatic ending to a wonderful ten days with Mama!

PS: Meglio Stasera translates "Better tonight" and Fa Subito means "Make/do it immediately!"


Anonymous said…
You have no idea how jealous I am. I am OBSESSED with Michael Buble! I can just imagine him twisting those hips....mmmm!

P.S. Fabulous metaphor usage lol