Back in the Saddle Again!

Hi Y'all!

Dad and I have made it to Eastern Europe! We've thoroughly enjoyed Warsaw and Krakow and tomorrow we leave first for Aushwitz, and then Prague! After Prague, we'll travel on to Budapest and Vienna. Dad will fly home on the 23rd and I'll continue on to Salzburg, Austria and make my way back to Italy.

We are having a ball! I am really enjoying Daddy traveling with me! I'll start classes in Florence again in early February, but right now I am working on a contracted course for BSC. My professor and I have created a course where I read a number of examples of travel literature to help me come up with my own style of travel writing. At the end of January, I will submit to him 25 pages of travel writing on the places I have visited. So! I am posting my drafts on my blog to get reactions and test my hand at different styles. I will revise each one, but for now, here's my first draft of Warsaw! (See below)
