Toes Up!

After touring the holy sites, we jet out of Jerusalem to bathe in the Dead Sea. Our new friend Daniel, a pilot who we met on our tour, accompanied us. We lugged our bags onto a bus and drove through a bit of the West Bank before reaching our destination. We deposited our bags upon the rocky shore and preceded to carefully wade into the Sea. The salt deposits on the rocky outcroppings were like knifes to our tender feet. As we dove off the edge, an incredible buoyant feeling overcame us and we bobbed to the surface. The water was better than any life preserver I’d ever worn! I could float absolutely on top of the water. Jess, who has no lost love for water, relaxed – she’d have to actively try to drown! The current gently and quickly carried us far from our luggage, and the swim back was a struggle against the strong current. Anchoring ourselves to the rocky shore, we bathed in the salt, exfoliating our skin as no store-bought exfolient had ever accomplished. We drank in the rays for hours.


Anonymous said…
What a great resource!