Szechenyi Baths Part Two: Brutus, Attila, and Sweeney Todd.

Did you see two ratty women in workout clothes enter the subway on Sunday? It could have been us.

The only people adorned in athletic gear on a train full of travelers, Mama and I made the trip to Szechenyi Furdö.

We traipsed around the facility for thirty minutes, deciding which treatment we desired. We’d been searching for a pedicurist all over town, but after peaking our head into Sweeney Todd’s office of knives, lined up with precision to hack at feet, we decided to stick with our aromatic massage appointments.

Thirty minutes of elliptical squeaks and groans and a spilled water-bottle later, Mama and I dunked ourselves in the outdoor pools, plopped into the sauna, dipped into the medicinal waters, and toweled off for out massage where we were met by “Brutus” and “Attila.”

A sterile white tile room, white washed and brightly lit, was broken into white cubicles where a group of chattering masseuses gave massages. Two beefy guys in white shorts and wife beaters, quite possibly not wearing underwear, were to be out masseuses – we affectionately nicknamed them Brutus and Attila. Mama and I entered our separate cubicles and embarked upon our interesting experience. At least 15 to 20 minutes of our forty minute massage was spent on our legs – and Mama’s masseuse didn’t even touch her feet! He ordered her to remove her top…only to work on her legs – a bit of a free show for him since tipping isn’t customary at the baths?

Forty minutes later….we exited the cubicles, grinning at each other, dying to tell the other of our experience – smashed noses – no head rest, topless and footless, it was quite an adventure! After massages such as ours, we’re sure glad we skipped the Sweeney Todd pedis!
