Phase 10 +Rook + Hand and Foot = McNichdams’ Cardomania

No one could have had more fun on a train than the McDaniels, Adams, and Nichols clans!

The four of us munched on German pretzels and whiled the hours away playing Rook as we rode from Auerbach to Munich. Unfortunately for Katie and I, Taylor brought her beginner's luck to Morgan, allowing their team to smartly beat us on the first go round. Their reign was brought to an end as the train chugged into Munich, where we quickly darted off to Hofbräuhaus, the royal brewery of Munich.

One Radler (Helles Bier mit Zitronenlimonade), Hofbräu Original, Dunkles Radler (Dunkles mit Zitronenlimonade), and Hofbräu Maibock later, we found ourselves tapping our feet to the traditional Bavarian music and munching on a basket of brotkorb (two pretzels, a roll, and a slice of rye bread). The asparagus cream soup (spargelcremesuppe) did not tempt our palates unduly; however, the homemade beef roulade with red wine, vegetable sauce and butter potatoes (Hausgemachte Rinderroulade in Rotwein-Gemüsesoße mit Butterkartoffeln) was plate-lickable!

Tummies full, we walked off our meal by taking a Sandeman’s free walking tour of Munich. Our guide was not quite as spellbinding as our previous guide in Berlin, but he was quite the history buff. Throughout the drizzly day, we heard of the Devil and his footprint, the May poles and markets, the numerous historical legends of the Prussian kings, and the rise of Hitler.

The increasing amount of cold rivulets running down our jackets as the glockenspiel tolled led the four of us and our new friend Leo to another famous brewery - Augustiner-Bräu, the monks’ brewery. Our party of five ordered an assortment of brews, along with some pretzel soup, liver soup, goulash soup, and apple strudel. The soups were delicious (with the exception of the liver soup…coming from a liver-abhorrer) - quite superior to the asparagus cream of Hofbräuhaus – yet Hofbräuhaus brews cannot be beat! The sweet cinnamon and honeyed flavors of the apple strudel mixed with vanilla bean ice cream and a fresh orange slice brought a sigh to Katie and my lips as the boys finished their one liter beers.

Our meal at Augustiner-Bräu concluded, we ran to the train station, eager to begin a new game: Phase 10. After the rules were taught, Taylor’s beginner's luck became the topic of myths and legends. She proceeded to drive the three of us into the ground, beating us soundly. After such a sound whooping, we proceeded to chat our way past our stop, forcing us to ride over an hour longer on the train…and leading to a new Rook game which Katie and I deftly won…although Taylor was a bit tipsy, we still count the win! All’s fair in love and war!

When Katie and I found out that both of our families were Hand and Foot players, we thrilled at the opportunity to play! The next night after our trip to the commissary, Katie, Morgan, Taylor and I gathered around the table, bellies full of Mexican Quesadilla Casserole, cheese dip, and margaritas, and began our only hand of hand and foot….which Morgan and Katie won!

We can’t wait for the next episode of McNichdams’ Cardomania!
