Sono Ritornata a Firenze

Bag in hand and a grin a mile wide, I stepped of the train and was back home in Firenze. While a few things have changed (who knew that the tram could be completed in two years?), the heart of city is still the same.

As I walked down the streets I journeyed everyday on the way to school, the little old man who I always passed did a double take and invited me in for coffee! The beggars too, I recognized. The places that I once took for granted began to sparkle again, like polished silver.

I sat hand in hand with one of my second mamas, Gilberta, who used to share her lunches with me when I dropped by her shop, sharing the moments we’d missed together.

Meandering down a via, Federico, a friend from church, recognized me and we spent the evening chatting over wine and playing Phase 10.

Amidst screams and hugs, I reunited with a best friend, Sarah, and oohhed and ahhhed over fireworks.

“Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest”


Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you got to go back to Florence -- makes your travel month all the more special to get to see wonderful people and renew past friendships!
Anonymous said…
Anna, I am seeing the world through your eyes. What an exciting time in your young life !!! You are really filling your heart & mind with great, great, memories to cherish the rest of your life. Love you, Mema