Bittersweet Goodbyes

My last day in Vienna was bittersweet – full of fun and laughter with a side of tears. We celebrated Anna’s eighth birthday with all her friends; we drank virgin cocktails, nibbled on Sacher torte, and played games together. As the party drew to a close, I had to say goodbye to my little girls. Goodbyes are always tough, but the hiccups and tears of my little vixens brought me near tears myself. We decided to have a sleepover in my room, which I would join after my evening of karaoke with my friends Angel, Ulrike, and Roland.

Like karaoke queens, we belted out tunes for our clapping audience of talented Austrian girls. After Angel, Ulrike, and Roland wowed the crowd with a few ballads, I stepped up to the microphone to put a little Southern flair on the evening. And I sang “hey pretty lady won’t you give me a sign, I’ll give anything to make you mine all mine I’ll do your bidding and be at your beck and call!” When I didn’t miss a word or beat, the audience gasped haha. Sold! Cheers to an Alabama girl!
After a round of hugs and promises to visit, I walked towards the subway. There is so much in Vienna that I haven’t seen or experienced yet, only living here a year. The fact that I lived the majority of my time here with one foot in America didn’t help matters at all. I could have experienced so much more! C’est la vie.
